Log in with Bitcoin on Mezo

Log in with Bitcoin on Mezo

Our “Log In with Bitcoin” feature gives every Mezo user an EVM address, allowing them to receive tokens and NFTs across all EVM-compatible networks. Bitcoin wallet users don’t need to download a new wallet or additional software for this, highlighting Mezo's “Bitcoin-first” experience.

This opens the door for collaboration with EVM communities while giving a simple onboarding experience for our Bitcoin users.

Why the EVM?

Compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine, or EVM, is an important component of Mezo’s design. EVM compatibility makes it easy for hundreds of individual blockchains, thousands of applications, tens of thousands of developers, and hundreds of thousands of people to use, build, and live on Mezo.

Interaction between EVM blockchains, like Ethereum, Tron, Binance, and Avalanche is simple because users have the same identity (wallet address) on all EVM-compatible chains. This wallet address consistency makes it easy for projects to identify communities on other blockchains and create incentive programs like token airdrops, community NFTs, and POAPs to reward early and active users.

However, Bitcoin-only users miss these benefits, as they lack an EVM identity.

Bridging the Gap with “Log In with Bitcoin"

On Mezo, our “Log In with Bitcoin” feature creates a solution that quickly and easily gives Bitcoiners access to the advantages of the EVM.

When you make an account on Mezo, we simultaneously create an EVM address directly tied to your Bitcoin wallet without any extra work from you.

With this, you can sign messages and transactions for your EVM address with your Bitcoin wallet—no additional software is needed.


How it Works

Upon entering the Mezo Portal, you’ll be prompted for a signature request from your Bitcoin wallet. This transaction creates an EVM address tied to your Bitcoin wallet.


This is a frictionless, zero-additional-software way for a Bitcoin wallet user (Hardware wallets and web wallets like Unisat, OKX, and Xverse) to sign messages and transact on an EVM chain. It consists of three core components:

  • Contracts: Enable Bitcoin wallet control and provide an on-chain identity on EVM chains.
  • SDK: Offers TypeScript tools for connecting Bitcoin wallets to EVM chains, using ERC-4337 to initialize accounts without upfront gas fees.
  • React Package: Facilitates dApp integration with supported Bitcoin wallets and EVM chains.

"Log In with Bitcoin" has been audited by Thesis Defense and we plan to open-source this work soon. We're excited for the future of Mezo to be composable with Bitcoin and the broader EVM world.

Try it Today

While the EVM address currently cannot be viewed nor controlled by Mezo users, you can experience the “Log In with Bitcoin” feature today when you deposit into the Mezo Portal.

Don’t have an invitation code for Mezo? We’ll release invitation codes to active community members, so join us below.

👾 Discord: https://discord.mezo.org

🕊 X: https://twitter.com/MezoNetwork

🏦 Deposit Portal: https://mezo.org/hodl-with/curve

ℹ️ Docs: https://info.mezo.org