Commit to HODLing

Good things come to those who commit.
Those with the greatest conviction in the Bitcoin community have been the most rewarded—HODLing through every winter, hack, and FUD event.
Like ancient civilizations would commit resources to build a multi-generational cathedral, the most dedicated bitcoiners know they will never sell to the bankers, and instead, pass their sats down through their subsequent generations.
This concept of delayed gratification is known as low time preference. It is the conscious choice of prioritizing long-term rewards over immediate pleasures, which underpins the essence of Bitcoin and its ascendance as a global asset.
Mezo’s Proof of HODL brings low-time preference to life and gives you something to commit to. Proof of HODL is a consensus mechanism that rewards long-term hodlers for their commitment and validation power on Mezo.
At the launch of Mezo mainnet, you can contribute to network security with Proof of HODL, giving you an honest yield for doing what you would have done anyway: hold Bitcoin.

Today, Proof of HODL begins with the Mezo Portal, where you can lock up your BTC and make a statement of conviction. The longer you lock up your deposits, the higher your HODL score. Beyond activating your Bitcoin, Proof of HODL is your key to building a community—a personal inner circle of fellow Bitcoin holders who understand the value of long-term commitment.
You have bitcoin. People need security. HODL on Mezo
HODL Score
Commitment to Mezo is denoted with HODL scores. You can deposit BTC, tBTC, or wBTC to the Mezo Portal to build your score. Your score is based on your conviction—the timing, size, and lock-up duration of deposits measure conviction. All versions of BTC currently contribute the same amount to your score.
HODL scores accrue daily with multipliers:
- Each day, you earn a 1,000 base score bonus per 1 bitcoin you deposit
- 2-Month Lock-up—3x bonus multiplier
- 6-Month Lock-up—10x bonus multiplier
- 9-Month Lock-up—16x bonus multiplier
You may extend lockup periods anytime. Once locked in, you cannot withdraw funds until the lockup period concludes—unlocked deposits are fully accessible for withdrawal. If Mezo mainnet launches before your lock-up period ends, your funds will be unlocked for bridging.
Build a Family on Mezo
Mezo rewards you for cultivating a community.
When you build a community on Mezo you also earn a reciprocal bonus score for yourself and those you invite. You earn a 21% bonus based on child account scores and a 9% bonus from grandchild accounts.
To help you build your Mezo family, we provide five single-use invitations for you and your friends to start building your HODL scores together. Cultivate your community carefully and earn reciprocal rewards for each connection you make.
Invite codes are scarce. Be strategic about whom you give your code to maximize your bonus score, as invitations can only be used once. With no word on when or if additional codes will be released, we recommend choosing your family wisely.
Deposit Bitcoin on Mezo, build up your community to start earning together and validate the network for an honest yield powering Bitcoin’s economic layer. Turn years of passive holding into a statement and keep your loyalty strong at a Bitcoin-first home.
Invitations are going out in small batches—if you’re among the select few to receive an invite, you can begin your journey and build your score today.
HODL Score Example:
Meet Alice, one of Mezo’s early depositors. Alice takes a straightforward approach—she knows Mezo offers the greatest opportunity for her long-term holding, so she doesn’t hesitate to deposit 1 BTC.
Alice locks up 1 BTC in Mezo’s longest interval, 9 months, and immediately begins earning 16,000pts/day on her deposit, for the maximum 16x bonus. Alice has no plans to sell her BTC for 9 months anyway, but now Mezo puts her BTC holdings into action on Bitcoin’s Economic layer.
Alice isn’t alone either. Knowing the value of community, Alice provides her five one-time invites to close friends who she knows will also deposit on Mezo. Each child account under Alice’s parent account joins her in depositing 1 BTC. Now, Alice will earn a 21% bonus based on her children's daily total scores, and her children can begin to invite their friends to Mezo.
When a child of Alice invites a new account it counts as one of her grandchildren. Grandchildren invited by Alice’s children provide a 9% reciprocal boost to Alice’s daily score.
Since Alice knows about the score bonuses, she carefully selects who to offer her invitations to because they can only be used once. Alice's family also follows the same strategy and carefully chooses who to include in their inner circle. The longer each member of this family locks in their holdings, and the more they lock in, the better they secure their long-term rewards.
Alice’s Score Breakdown
- Initial Bonus—Alice locks up 1 BTC at the maximum 9 months lock-up to earn a daily score of 16,000.
- Child Bonus—Each of Alice’s carefully selected children also deposits 1 BTC and locks it for the 9-month maximum. With this, Alice gets a daily bonus of 3,360 per child, for a total of 16,800 daily bonus to her HODL score.
- Grandchild Bonus—Practicing the same care as Alice, each of her children also selects five invitees who will lock up 1 BTC for a maximum of 9 months. With this, Alice gets a daily bonus of 1,440 per grandchild, for a total of 36,000 daily bonus to her HODL score.
- Total Score—With her strategic deposit and leveraging her network, Alice’s daily HODL score is 68,800.
Alice believes in Bitcoin and isn’t doing anything she wouldn’t be anyway—she’s been HODLing for years. With Proof of HODL, Alice’s low-time preference earns her maximal rewards.
Ready to build your HODL Score on Mezo? Deposit into the Mezo Portal today.
Don’t have an invite? We’ll be releasing more to active community members first.
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